Map of Space and Time
I thought that the most significant thing about the space I work in is how I move about it. Now that I have completed these maps of space and time, other things I would be interested in mapping would be how specific students move about the space, how the co-teachers I work with move about the space during our afternoon block, though that would be difficult to track. I'm not sure that for my particular strand of research this would be helpful, though I enjoy the visualization and reflection on how I distribute my attention during a class or a day.
To record these charts I kept track of who I talked to when and tracked my movement throughout the teaching space. If I really wanted to track myself, or students in a classroom I could videotape the room and track movement and interaction.
Something that would be interesting would be to use these maps to help students self monitor, or if I wanted to do a case study. I'd be interested to track some of the students who like to wander in the afternoon STEAM block, to see if having so many spaces in that particular block is effective or not.
If I thought that my co-teachers would be able to track themselves during our two hour STEAM block I would be interested in how much they moved. I think this would be very helpful for all of us, but I don't think they would actually do it....Maybe if I promised them donuts...