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IRB approved! create a plan for taking field notes and sketches. 

The first several days of school should be interesting, though I don't know how much free time I'll have to sit down and observe during the school day. Today was GO GO GO, a constant flow of students, I talked A LOT, there were a lot of questions and I thankfully had a lot of questions. 


My first step will be, by the end of this week to collect my co-teacher's and my administrator's consent forms signed. I think I'll be able to take general self reflective notes until I choose what students to participate in the case study and I can draw them... I'll have to look up exactly what I'll be able to record without specific consent. I'll be practicing taking my autoethnographic field notes, I'll have to look back and re-read the specific chapters concerning autoethnographic narrative research from our previous classes. 


Second step will be to kind of super-formalize a method, a schedule or some guidelines for myself to follow concerning the taking of field notes. Though I set up my research proposal to be pretty fluid and unstructured, I will need to set rules for myself to force myself to draw during staff meetings, or ask the questions in my IRB to my co-teachers and the students. In short, I'll need to create a method to collect the narrative and visual data to my autoethnographic research about my first semester working in a very non-traditional school setting, while still being able to perform the duties of my job. 


If anyone has any advice or resources I would be very grateful. I can tell the reading for this class will be helpful. Chapter 3 had some good guidelines to structure research. I'm always happy to see bullet points and tables. Now I just need to start collecting ideas.

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