Molly Sofranko TeachArt
The Grad School Blog
Post #4
I’ve finally collected my data. I’ve actually found that it is difficult to STOP collecting data because the students in my case study continue their journey. I had to stop taking notes in the journal that I’ve kept since this summer, because it represented the immensity of the work that it took during observations, and personal reflection. It felt like filling a sketchbook. It’s an artifact, and so today I bought a lovely new orange note pad. A new beginning.
The group that I chose as my case study is having a major presentation, with press, and community stake holders next week. Though I may include an observation of this milestone I could do this all year.
I had to stop collecting data however because as it turns out I have A LOT of data. The process of collecting data was so stressful because of my uncertainties around the subject matter of my collection process and my uncertainty at the quality of my data collection. In the end, I had plenty to work with.
I am still rather laboriously going through my material, after typing for days transcribing notes and team meetings. I’ve come up with a few major categories of information. 21st century skills/real world, partner value, student agency, and school culture. There is so much to pull out of my data, that I look forward to beginning the writing process which I’m sure will help me focus even more.
I am having difficulty keeping up with our schedule. I’ll also need to go back and re-do my lit review, which will require searching through journal articles. I’m a bit overwhelmed and stressed, but I can see the end and that helps for sure.