Research Articles and Sources
As I begin to narrow down my options for the research I will be conducting throughout the remainder of the graduate program, I am focusing on collaborative interdisciplinary teaching and how it benefits teaching and learning.
From the previous class I have a variety of resources involving STEAM specifically, but I'd like to open up my investigation to interdisciplinary co-teaching in general. Here is a list of new articles I'm reading to get kickstart my research and help me narrow down my focus to something that will really be beneficial to my teaching and student learning.
Research Articles and Sources
Ketterlin-Geller, Leanne R., Baumer, Patricia, and Lichon, Kathryn. "Administrators as Advocates for Teacher Collaboration." Intervention in School and Clinic. 2015, 51-57.
Richard, Byron and Treichel, Christa. "Increasing Secondary Teacher's Capacity to Integrate the Arts." The Clearing House. 2013, 224-228.
Whatley, Lindsay M., "Strengthening Relationships Between Art Teachers and Classroom Teachers Through Curriculum Integration and Collaboration." PhD diss. Corcoran College of Art and Design, 2013.
These are some of the resources that I used for the last class, and may bring into this research include:
Guyotte, Kelly. W., Sochacka, Nicola W., Walther, Joachim.“Learning Together: A
Collaborative Autoethnographic Exploration of STEAM (STEM + the Arts) Education.”
Journal of Engineering Education. January, 2016.
Land, Michelle, H. “Full STEAM Ahead: The Benefits of Integrating the Arts Into STEM.”
Procedia Computer Science. 2013, 547-552.
Marshall, Julia. “Transdisciplinarity and Art Integration: Toward a New Understanding of
Art-Based Learning Across the Curriculum.” Studies in Art Education: A Journal of
Issues and Research. 2014, 104-127.
Somerson, Rosanne, and Hermano Mara L. Editors. Maeda, John. Forward. The Art of
Critical Making. Rhode Island School of Design on Creative Practice. Hoboken, New
Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
Watson, Andrew D., and Watson, Gregory H. “Transitioning STEM to STEAM:
Reformation of Engineering Education.” Journal for Quality & Participation. October